Archive for the ‘Allgemein’ Category


Monday, June 11th, 2012

As Heise reported, there ia a possible login-bug in MySQL. Enough trials lead to a login without a valid password. At least some distributions are vulnerable (reports from “hetzner” vserver customers).


Saturday, June 2nd, 2012

Next week the 25th MAAWG meeting will take place in Berlin.
Let’s see what news can be learned there.


Friday, May 25th, 2012

This morning, 10:28 a.m. a new domain got created:

Updated Date: 25-may-2012
Creation Date: 25-may-2012
Expiration Date: 25-may-2013

Same day, a few hours later:

No match for “domain”.
>>> Last update of whois database: Fri, 25 May 2012 14:37:56 UTC <<<

So much work for the spammer:

  • generate a fakeaccount at yahoo!
  • register a domain
  • generate a fakeaccount at freenet (for sending)
  • build a phish webseite and upload it
  • generate the email and send it
  • and after about 50 clicks the domain was already removed..
    money earned? .. none 🙂

    Mini Moog

    Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012

    I am very impressed by the emulation of the “Mini Moog” Synthesizer presented as the Goggles “Doodle” of today – including a 4-track recorder .. whow!

    I remember the times when I actually played a Mini Moog back in the 70’s 🙂


    Friday, May 4th, 2012

    If you run PHP in cgi-mode you are probably vulnerable to a newly found bug:
    Heise: Gefahr-durch-offene-PHP-Luecke
    Adding parameters like http://localhost/index.php?-s to an url can show the source code or even inject or run parametes in the shell.

    Until an update exists it might be wise to filter out some string-elements (like “-” without “=”)
    RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^(%2d|-)[^=]+$ [NC]
    RewriteRule ^(.*) $1? [L]

    new TLDs: ICANN TAS portal down

    Thursday, April 12th, 2012

    Just a few hours before the deadline in submitting new applications passes the online portal
    TAS for submitting these broke down..

    ICANN registration info

    12 April 2012: Application window closes at 23:59 UTC on 12 April 2012

    The database behind is obviously not stress-tested or poorly designed.
    Funny that ICANN demands detailed technical expertise for applicants but fails
    when data is really submitted.

    cite from ICANN-page::
    ICANN constantly monitors the performance of the TLD Application System (TAS). Recently, we received a report of unusual behavior with the operation of the TAS system. We then identified a technical issue with the TAS system software.

    ICANN is taking the most conservative approach possible to protect all applicants and allow adequate time to resolve the issue. Therefore, TAS will be shut down until Tuesday at 23:59 UTC - unless otherwise notified before that time.

    In order to ensure all applicants have sufficient time to complete their applications during the disruption, the application window will remain open until 23:59 UTC on Friday, 20 April 2012.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused. If you have any questions, please contact the gTLD Customer Service Center (CSC) via the CSC portal.

    Tor exit node used for attack

    Wednesday, March 21st, 2012

    One recent reply to a kippo-attack complaint explained that the attacking ip is a TOR exit node.

    Of course there is no way for us to find the real attacker when he/she is using TOR

    for making this attack. Sad that this important service is abused in this way.

    The system you have identified ( / is an exit node on the Tor network. Tor is a distributed cryptographic anonymizing proxy service. The network traffic you detected was merely relayed through this system, and did not originate there. It is not possible to trace these connections back to their original source.

    sshd complaints – update

    Wednesday, March 14th, 2012

    The automatic complaint-mechanism is now active. A X-ARF complaint is generated
    for each session where a successful login into the kippo-honeypot produced some
    recorded commands. The email address where the complaint is sent to is generated
    like always – check own database, check ripe-website and check abusix.
    Here is an example of the second mime-part:

    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8"; name="report.yaml"

    Category: abuse
    Report-Type: login-attack
    Destination-System: kippo – sshd honeypot
    User-Agent: PHREAK 1.3
    Date: 2012-03-14 03:45:28
    Service: sshd
    Port: 22
    Source: 89.129.**.** (obfuscated)
    Source-Type: ipv4
    Attachment: text/plain
    Version: 1.0.1

    and the third MIME-part looks like this:

    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf8"; name="command.txt"

    recorded commands during this session:

    uname -a
    tar zxvf udp.tgz
    rm -rf udp.tgz
    chmod +x *


    Friday, March 9th, 2012

    I am pretty close to start sending out complaints
    for successful sshd – logins on my kippo honeypot.
    The X-ARF part is ready. I decided to add the recorded
    commands in the 3rd MIME-part. The ttylog could also
    be useful, but the receiver of the complaint is probably
    not so interested in starting the playlog utility for
    each complaint.
    I still need to implement a database check so that receivers
    only get a handful complaints and are not overwhelmed by the
    number of complaints..
    Additionally the catched ips will be added in our blacklist,
    just like in the attacks cachted by nepenthes.
    Dionaea-attacks will come next 🙂

    Thursday, January 26th, 2012

    Today I received a notification from
    that one of my donated spamtrap-domains helped to catch a new
    harvester. Feels good to be able to help 🙂