Version: 0.5.1 | Website:

Thank you for using Kippo-Graph!

WARNING: Statistics are not updated in real time. You will have to manually GENERATE_THE_KIPPO_GRAPHS();

 Version: 0.5.1



Version 0.5.1:
+ Made version checking more secure with a directive in config.php (UPDATE CHECK YES/NO).
+ Posted CHECKSUMS for the .tar archive online (and noted for future releases).
+ Added LICENSE.txt

Version 0.5:
+ Added Kippo-Input: display and visualization of input data, wget (with file links) and apt-get commands.
+ Added online version checking function (include/misc/versionCheck.php).
+ Added new pie charts, Kippo-Graph now shows 15 - updated gallery.
+ Added IP table on Kippo-Geo with whois/lookup feature.
+ Changed all files to .php.

Version 0.4:
+ Added geolocation features at beta stage, using geoplugin and google maps/charts.
+ Fixed file/folder structure and updated config.php.
+ Added new logo.

Version 0.3:
+ Added 3 new input-related graphs.
+ Updated graph gallery.
+ Fixed minor web UI and graph details.
+ Added TODO.txt.
+ Updated README.txt

Version 0.2:
+ Added web template to Kippo-Graph.
+ Changed functionality of kippo-graph.php turning into a generator for the graphs.
- index.php removed.

Version 0.1:
+ Initial version.


Image: digitalart /